Scarecrows have invaded Madison CT once again, and they’re absolutely everywhere! Dozens of them! Everyone’s invited to come, see, and vote for their favorite, either online at or (Lots of photos here) or in person at each scarecrow, using your iphone and the scarecrow’s posted QR code. (Now how high-tech is that!).
Voting is until midnight October 19th. Winners will be announced on October 20th at the Sea Shop Scarecrow Soiree in Madison Center, and scarecrows will remain up for everyone’s enjoyment, and to see the winners, through October 31st. The month-long event benefits the Scranton Library, and the library is providing special activities for children 5 and older during the Soiree on October 20th.
Here's the direct link to vote for ours:
To see more scarecrow photos of others click on this link or, better yet, get yourself here to Madison to see them in person for yourself. What a great way to enjoy an Autumn day!
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