Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Fever!

Signs and Promises of Spring

I don't know about you, but as for me I've been ready and looking for signs of Spring since Ground Hog Day. This week - and especially today, my wishes came true!

Just last week the first House Finches came to play and sing their morning serenade in our still-hanging (waiting for them) Christmas wreath. They come every year, around the first of March. This year they're a bit over a week behind, but they're here, and that's what counts.

Over last weekend I saw Red Wing Blackbirds at our feeders. Yay! They're back!

The snow that's looked like the return of the glacial age has been slowly, slowly, slowly (the best way) melding away for over a week, and now we can see lawn where there was a sea of white around our Christmas Angel - it became embedded in snow last January before it could be picked up and stored for another year. Here are a couple of before and after pics. See what I mean?

March 5, 2015 - More Snow on Snow

Christmas Angel - March 5, 2015

Christmas Angel - March 17, 2015
Today I saw a male Goldfinch at our feeders with about half of his bright yellow feathers now showing. He looked like he'd been in a dust bin - lots of grey still mixed in with the bright golden yellow. He's getting ready. Spring's coming for sure!

And my happiest sign is this - the daffodils are up a whole inch! That's today. Yesterday there was no sign of them.

Inch-high Daffodils - March 17, 2015
Hope you too are seeing signs and promises of Spring wherever you are. Comment and tell us about yours. The weather and the calendar haven't caught up yet, but the birds and the flowers are on it. They are the wonderful harbingers of Spring!