Friday, February 11, 2011

Celebrate Cherished Relationships

Valentine's Day - a time to Celebrate our most Cherished Relationships.
I love the new Hallmark Valentine's Day commercial on TV this year: "Valentine's Day is not a day to say 'I Love You.' It's a day to say 'I Love Us.' To celebrate the One we have become." Wow! Now that's an enlightening thought, and I applaud whoever came up with it.
Yes, I believe it's true. It is all about the "Us" in our relationships, the oneness. So, this Valentine's Day, and always, celebrate all your most cherished relationships. If you're without a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend right now, you still have other, and perhaps even deeper, relationships to celebrate ... dear friends, parents, children, brothers and sisters, and more.

Someone needs to write a song about this, don't you think? ...

To one and all of you who are in my life, I celebrate Our relationships. I Love Us!

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